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06/12/2012 à 19:15:38

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helsinkivampire hat 4 Gutherzigkeit.



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Dead decade by Private Line

Give it up baby, don’t bother turning around
The tower started shaking, your city burned to the ground
Some said ‘it’s our lot’ – well, thanks a lot, “pass the salt”, and “shut up”
Babel Babble small talk, another flood and we’ll drown

Dear Mary, your son looked so scary, after hanging uptown
Lord knows that his dad don’t care if, we’re double crossed and let down

Let’s leave together
On holiday to our holocaust
You’ll love the weather
The heat is up and the hell’s got frost
Sit back, enjoy decay
This is the dead decade

Landfills, oil spills – those dolphins ain’t laughing now
Fields of blood, trees are cut –why ask if they make a sound?
There’s Danny in his pit of lions – he knows the zoo’s outside
The whale found no place to hide in – Jonah had an easier ride

Let’s leave together
On holiday to our holocaust
You’ll love the weather
You know the heat is up and the world’s got lost
There’s nothing left to save
In a d-d-d-dead decade

We’re living in a dead decade, oh
Still thinking we will get out safe, so
All those who say ‘don’t fear tomorrow’
They sound so hollow

We’re dancing as our world decays, yeah
Death marching us in its parade and
See how our children follow
in sorrow tomorrow

Keep playing all your deadly games
Mom’s worried but we’re not afraid
Who knows if we’ll be here tomorrow
But till then just follow

We’re living in a dead decade, Aww
Still thinking that we have time to play and
All those who told us weep or follow
Have managed to destroy tomorrow



Alter Geschlecht Stadt Land
41 Jahre Frau Purgatory
Lieblingsstar Lieblingsmusik Lieblingsfilm Leibgericht
Ville Valo Classic Rock, Finnrock, Mittelalterrock
Lieblingsfarbe Traumjob Lieblingssendung Hobby

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