♥ Miley ♥
..I♥ Miley ♥
....I♥ Miley ♥
......I♥ Miley ♥
........I♥ Miley ♥
.........I♥ Miley ♥
..........I♥ Miley ♥
.........I♥ Miley ♥
........I♥ Miley ♥
......I♥ Miley ♥
....I♥ Miley ♥
...I♥ Miley ♥
.I♥ Miley ♥
..I♥ Miley ♥
....I♥ Miley ♥
......I♥ Miley ♥
........I♥ Miley ♥
.........I♥ Miley ♥
..........I♥ Miley ♥
.........I♥ Miley ♥
........I♥ Miley ♥
......I♥ Miley ♥
....I♥ Miley
ohh ohh ohh
ohh ohh ohh
ohh ohh ohh
You know you love me
I know you care
you shout whenever
And I'll be there
You want my love
You want my heart
And we will never
ever ever bei appart
are we an item?
Girl quit playing
We are just friends
What are you saying?
So There is another one
Looks right in my eyes
my first love broke my heart
for the first time and
I was like
baby baby baby oh
like my baby baby baby no
like my baby baby baby no
I thought you'd always
bei mine (mine)
baby baby baby no
like my baby baby baby no
like my baby baby baby no
I thought you'd always
be mine (mine)
for you I would
have done whatever
And I just can´t believe were not together
And Wanna it play cool but I´m loosin you
I'll buy you anything,
I'll buy you any ring
And I´m in pieces. Baby fix me.
And you´ll shake me till you wake me from this bad dream
i'm going down, down, down
And I just can´t believe my first love won´t be around
And I´m like baby baby baby no
like my baby baby baby no
like my baby baby baby no
I thougth you'd always
be mine (mine)
baby baby baby
no my baby baby baby
no my baby baby baby
no I thought baby baby
bei mine (mine)
You can give me
all your love
But sometimes it wont be enough
Everybody toll me this day would come
Now im all gonge
You can give all your love
But sometimes it wont be love
Everybody toll me this day would come
And I was like
baby baby baby
no my baby baby baby
no my baby baby baby
no I thought you'd always
be mine (mine)
yeah *15
now im all yours, yours yours ohhh
im yours ohhhhh
nix kopieren!!!!!!!!!!
meine lieblingssongs!!:
kE$ha-tik tok,justin bieber-baby *____*
mein traumberuf ist schauspielerin zu werden.
meine freunde hier bei omd,sie sind wirklich sehr nett:
Alter | Geschlecht | Stadt | Land |
27 Jahre | Frau | ♥♥TZz..♥ | |
Lieblingsstar | Lieblingsmusik | Lieblingsfilm | Leibgericht |
♥MiiLey cyrUUs♥ ♥jUsTiiN BiiEbEr(L)♥Haftbefehl blaulicht♥ | ♥ ♥ONe TiiMe*ALT*♥ ♥ | ♥♥GoSsiiP GiiRl♥♥ | ♥♥SpAgHeTtii--->ich hasse schokii *bähh*♥ |
Lieblingsfarbe | Traumjob | Lieblingssendung | Hobby |
♥♥BAbYbLaU♥LiiLa♥RoT♥PiiNK♥TüRkiiS♥♥ | ♥♥ScHaUSpiiElEriiN♥TopmodeL*♥ | ♥ScRuBs♥ | ♥GiTaRRe SpiiElEn --->AuCh WeNN iicHs NiCh KAnn♥ |