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cynisca hat 0 Gutherzigkeit.





Hey, ich bin Cynisca!!!

Ich bin eine durchgeknallte, zu-viel-redende, zu-schnell-redende, zu-viel-lachende, immer-zu-spät-kommende, ausgeflippte, auslands-fanatische, englisch-und-bücher-liebende, durchgehend-zitierende, insider-vergötternde und GG-anbetende Chaotin, die gerne mal ein Erzähl-mir-keinen-Scheiß-Kumpel-ich-weiß-Bescheid-Lächeln verschenkt.

My blood type is coffee.

"A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you" Francoise Sagan

A wise girl knows her limits a great girl knows she has none



Von meinem süßem Engel

The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.

Danke!!! Love you!!!


Meine Vorstellung von dem perfekten Handtascheninhalt.

Vier Kugelschreiber, vier Bleistifte, ein schwarzer Marker, ein Gefrierbeutel aus Plastik, der sechs weitere zusammengefaltete leere Gefrierbeutel aus Plastik enthält, eine Bürste, ein Kamm, eine Kosmetiktasche mit einem Lippenstift und zwei Tampons, sechs Murmeln in einem Baumwollbeutel, ein Satz Dietriche in einem Lederetui, ein Vergrößerungsglas in einer festen Hülle, drei halbvolle Notizbücher, ein leeres Notizbuch, eine Packung Papiertaschentücher, eine Packung Kondome, eine Packung Antibabypillen, ein Schraubenzieher, ein Schweizer Armeemesser, eine Wasserpistole in eines Fisches, Wattestäbchen, eine Pinzette, eine Zange, Einweghandschuhe, verpackt, eine kleine Flasche Äthylalkohol, eine superstarke Taschenlampe und vier Ersatzbatterien, zwei u-förmige Nägel, zwölf Doller und dreiundsiebzig Cents in kleinen Münzen und eine halb leere Tüte Käsecräcker.

Und ein sehr gutes Buch!!!



He's like a nine year old on a sugar rush. Totally incapable of taking anything serious!

She's going to be... she's gonna be really smart, very sawy, haunting good looks, really good at her job.  And kind of slutty.

Yin-Yang is harmony, Yin-Yin is... a name for a panda!

There are no cows in space!

Where's my broom?

The heart wants what the heart wants

If you don't even believe in the possibility of magic, you'll never ever find it!

This is you in twenty years! "Who is this?", I swear!

Does he have a motorcycle? 'Cause if you're gonna throw your life away he'd better have a motorcycle!

Acting like a dim-witted salesgirl while showing off her mother's new personal panic room "I know how to protect you from Agent Orange and Shrapnel. Ask me how!"

Oh I cant stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing and walking and the words putting into sentence doing.

We have to go. We have to pick up my mother. From jail.

Bravery is a powerful attractive trait in a woman, stupidity is not.

They're demon brands, Coreen. They're not Hello Kitty tattoos. Actually, that would be worse.

If only you could talk.

Portable-blood-sucking machine.

Never give orders to a girl who had less than three hours sleep.


He doesn't think I'm crazy, he knows I am.

You don't rest do you? I mean I thought you were the Prince of Darkness but it's really more like the Lord of Lechery or something.

Mike, I want you to be my baby daddy!!!

Please, she's been sleeping alone for months! She has enough pent up ***ual energy to power a small mid-western city.

Don't call me Bones.

Booth gets needlessly protective sometimes. I have no idea why.

I know, I know...Me!

Hello John! Good bye John!

You know how the alphabet works!

If you want some, just ask! - I want some! - Sweet!

Oppurtunity is going....going.....and gone!

I'm the police. Did you kill your daughter?

Well, i dont think they're so much dating as they are two bottles of vodka walking in human !

See, he is her lobster!!!





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Audrey Hepburn The Fray Charade alles wo viel zu viele kalorien drin sind
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Orange Weltreisende way, way, way too many!!! REISEN, PARTY,LESEN,TWITTER^^

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